Experience Reiki

With Teresa

Full Moon Ceremony .


Reiki Energy
energy work

Hey, Friend!

Would you like to experience the healing power of reiki with me?

It’s like a spa day for your energy field…

As you may already know, Reiki is an incredible healing practice that promotes relaxation, balance, and overall harmony in mind, body, and spirit. It harnesses the power of energy to restore vitality and support holistic well-being. I'm thrilled to start offering Reiki to you!

Your sessions will provide you with an opportunity to experience the transformative benefits of Reiki firsthand. As I practice this ancient healing art, I aim to offer personalized care and attention throughout each session. Your participation will not only contribute to my growth but also allow you to receive the numerous benefits associated with Reiki, such as stress reduction, deep relaxation, and enhanced overall wellness.

Here are a few key details about your Reiki Session:

  1. Duration: Each session will last approximately 60-90 minutes in person and 45-60 minutes virtually.

  2. Dates and Times: Sessions will be scheduled at your convenience via the link below.

  3. Location: The sessions will take place either virtually or in person, whichever you prefer.

  4. Benefits: You will have the opportunity to experience the profound effects of Reiki, including increased energy flow, emotional balance, and a sense of inner peace.

I would be truly honored if you would join me on this journey by participating in these sessions. Your presence and support would mean the world to me. If you are interested, you can click the button below that will take you to reserve your session!

Experience Reiki

Listen to what others have said about their reiki session: